I am Worthy Social media is an amazing tool, but it can also be very destructive if... If we utilize it as the benchmark of our self image. If we allow it to be the hallmark of our validation. If we choose to use it as a sign post of our self worth, when the number...


Every Friday I join an amazing group of word artisans from around the world. We gather together and write for five minutes flat, prompted by one Word. fiveminutefriday.com Today's Word: EASY Earlier this year I fasted with a group of friends. During the fast we gave...

Joan Taylor Ministries Update

Joan Taylor Ministries Update

Happy Spring to all As kingdom builders and partners with Joan Taylor Ministries it's my heartfelt prayer that this correspondence finds you well and hopeful for all the work we are doing to advance the kingdom of God. Let's continue to march forward and despite the...

The Power of Self talk

Destructive or Productive I have approached 2022 with a far greater awareness of how I am speaking to myself, and the consequential thoughts I choose to entertain. Our speech and thoughts are rooted in our belief systems: what we really believe in the core of our...


The Power of NO It's that wonderful day of the week when I join other word artisans from around the globe to write for five minutes flat. Fiveminutefriday.com Today's Word is COMMIT I Commit to take better care of myself. Self-care is so much more than a spa day once...

Are you Ready?

Lately I've been pensive, pondering God's process of Preparation, specifically waiting. Here's what I have been thinking... Because God is always working (everything out for our good)... I don't believe that we're really ever waiting on God. I believe He's always...


Five Minute Friday: Possibility I am working on establishing a brand new mindset in alignment with this new chapter of my life, where every possibility aligned with the will of God for me becomes inevitable. So with intentionality I lean into the promises of God,...