I speak from a mirrored perspective, utilizing experiential trauma, empathy, and compassion to help people transform their lives. I am a survivor of domestic violence and compounded trauma.
Sample Topics
Courage is not obscure, and it does not come from an abstract place, it’s innate. Courage is gift from God. We’re born to be brave. We were made to be courageous, yet we won’t know this truth until we confront our fears, until we intentionally address what frightens us most. Because the only way forward is through. When we choose to harness our fears, they become opportunities that birth courage. Courage is a vast well, there is no end to what we will have or what we will access from within. It’s an opportunity that facilitates growth.
Healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s a continuum. It’s an interesting reality when the moment we believe that we’re fully healed in one area, another area shows up that needs healing. The body keeps score, and the brain holds onto pain. Harboring hurt and pain, ignoring what has wreaked havoc in our lives, will only create dust that one day must be cleaned. Nothing will be healed when we choose to keep these things concealed. Healing is an opportunity for growth, becoming who are created to be when we choose vulnerability over fear and shame. Vulnerability is not a weakness, it’s one of our greatest strengths.
There is no person that can make us whole. Wholeness is cultivated from within. We can not require expectations from others that we do not have and own ourselves. Let’s look within. Let’s choose to go deep so that we can grow and move forward. Real change and transformation are challenging, yet the rewards are priceless. External transformation requires internal change, first. We must be prepared to receive.
Recent Interviews
YouTube Links
The videos below are a sample of topics that I have shared with groups. I have spoken on topics that are not included below, specifically tailored to the theme of the event, meeting the needs of the audience. If these topics and the messages from the videos and samples do not meet your needs, I will tailor the message accordingly.
For the full library of videos, please visit my YouTube Channel, @JoanTaylorMinistries