Jun 18, 2018


A few days ago, I felt led to venture over to my old blog,

It was no coincidence what I found. My last post was written about three powerful words that were revealed to me in a dream, it was June 2016.


These words are not a coincidence, they’re God-incidences. The Holy Spirit always confirms when you’re on the right path, and the right time.

The words blazed before my eyes, it was like fire, my soul ignited. These words went straight to my heart, deeply embedded. I remember being awakened, jolted out of my sleep. I jumped out of bed. I fumbled around and found my pen and my journal, and I wrote the words. I knew they were significant.


What I did not know was how long it would be before I would tangibly touch what was spiritually spoken, before the physical collided with the supernatural.

I believe God always speaks first. And then He prepares us to receive what he has spoken.

Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.

I’ve held on to these words, I believed. I’ve reminded God of what He promised, I prayed. I’ve leaned in to His truth. And I wrapped His Word, scripture, around what He revealed to me.

Let me just say, pressing in to this promise has not been easy. As a matter of fact, it has been down right arduous. There have been so many times, over the past two years, where this promise appeared to be snatched back and sent straight to hell on a one-way flight by Satan himself. I persevered anyway, even when it seemed as though these words and this promise would never prevail.


Its due season, it’s my time, in its fullness, and it’s my turn to reach the world and share all that I learned in the wilderness. I am in my Promised Land.

Galatians 6:9 “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”.

Psalm 102: 3 “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come”.


Patience is not strengthened on Easy Street. It’s refined and perfected and tested on Trials Terrace and on Difficulty Drive.

It’s so true that God’s ways are higher than ours, He knows best. It’s also true that many times we feel that we are ready when we are not.

Now, after two years, I am physically touching the promise, the works of my hands are moving forward, they’re prospering and succeeding, making a difference in the lives of others.

In the month of April I released Food For The Soul. And this week I released Living on Purpose: Discover your Purpose, Find your Why!!

Just as God prepared the new generation of Israelites to enter the Promise Land, He prepares us too.

If you too have been a wilderness dweller this message is for you…

We’re living in a NOW season. The fullness of time has arrived. Everything that you’ve prayed for, endured for many seasons, and persevered through for years, has reached fruition, manifestation has come.


What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you? How are you leaning in to your truth?


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