
May 7, 2018

FMF Fridays: Adapt

We write for five minutes, flat, without editing. Even though today is Monday, here we go…

We are called adapt to our surroundings, make adjustments, in every season, but not to conform.  Because conformity looses sight of truth. And we’re called to keep our eyes on the prize, as God’s purpose for our lives unveils and prevails.

When we’re adaptable, we have the ability flow with ease, in the rhythms of God’s grace.

At the onset I did not adapt well to this new, temporary season. I missed the beaches and the ocean breezes of south Florida, and the laid back easiness and the lifestyle I had grown accustomed to.

But now, after surrendering myself to the process, I’ve adapted to the rural surroundings of southwest Louisiana.

Because time is the essence of all seasons. As surely as seasons come, they go.

When we adapt, fully, to God’s plan and His process, we have the ability to be utilized greatly, all for His glory.

I am reminded of the Apostle Paul,  “I know how to get along and live humbly [in difficult times], and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret [of facing life], whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in need”. Philippians 4:12

I believe that when we practice surrendered-obedience, we have the Adapt(ability) to become productive tools in the Masters hands. And it’s in this place where grace and glory prevails.

Q: Are experiencing Adapt(ability) in this season of your life, if so, share your story?



  1. Gayl

    This is so true, “When we’re adaptable, we have the ability flow with ease, in the rhythms of God’s grace.” I pray that we will be adaptable to His leading in our lives. As a mother of 7 I’ve had to adapt to the different stages of their lives as children and now as adults. God has used motherhood to stretch me in many ways, but also to learn to cling more to Him day by day. Blessings to you! I found your post on the FMF page where Kate asked us to share posts.

    • Joan Taylor

      So true…motherhood is one of the ways that God has stretched me too. I guess when I really take a look at my life, He stretched me in every area. And that’s how our faith and trust in His faithfulness grows by leaps and bounds. Thank you for stopping by. I am going to head over to your corner of the world. Blessings to you

  2. Lee Ann L.

    Adapt and not conform. I like that.

    Visiting from FMF

    • Joan Taylor

      Thank you Lee Ann for stopping by my corner of the world. I am going to head on over to your place. Blessings

  3. Lynne

    This is so true. I’m currently trying to adapt my mindset at the moment and it’s really hard. Motherhood is also another hard one – the kids are so unpredictable and change happens 24/7! We have to adapt to each season we go through or we end up not enjoying life. Your neighbour in the FMF

    • Joan Taylor

      Such truth, either we adapt to each season or we choose the path that leads to a life without enjoyment. I am so glad you stopped by my corner of the world. I will head on over to yours. Blessings

    • Joan Taylor

      You’re so right about a whole heap of vulnerability. This week I’ve been thinking about the energy and effort required to changing my heart/mind. I guess because I am working on this transformation now. Here’s what I learned…There was more that I needed to let go of, wilderness dweller mindset, in order to be filled with what’s required as a Promised Land inhabitant. Like the Israelites, the mindset must change before the milk and honey flows.

      • Lynne

        Oh yes! We can’t expect to reap the benefits straight away. It takes time and patience and a heap of grace – every. Single. Day. We have to keep being intentional about it. It’s hard. It’s training the mind to being something it’s not use to. Liken it to training for a marathon. The first few weeks of trading is always hard. But it gets easier as the muscles get stronger. We just have to keep persevering.

        • Joan Taylor

          Indeed, a heap of grace, and it’s power to cover and sustain all things. Yes, I see Intentionality as a lifestyle, one that we’re definitely not accustomed to. Therefore, the Word teaches us to put on the mind of Christ, because it’s not innate. Perseverance. Perseverance. Perseverance.

  4. Dee Raymond



    I have been taught threw struggles, shit on my mind so heavy, that I must keep moving simply because the world don’t stop because I feeling mad, glad happy or sad. ” I KNOW HOW TO GET ALONG and LIVE HUMBLY” WOW! You said it in a NUT SHELL! Simply because life for me wasn’t always a crystal stairs, it had splinters, wholes and nails in it and still I had to learn how to step with caution and climb to get to the mountain top! Ugghhh these blogs take me places,, believe me when I say this.

    I believe that when we practice surrendered-obedience, we have the Adapt(ability) to become productive tools in the Masters hands,,, I am so glad you said this because LORD have mercy PATIENCE. The wait for the out-come, because it takes work and with good work comes SOME TYPE OF REWARD and I WANT MINE NOW! RIGHT NOW!

    Because time is the essence of all seasons. As surely as seasons come, they go,,, yes Joan again in TIME. The older I get I realize people come into each of our lives for a season and some for a life time and I believe god sent you to me for a life time because of your talent, courage wisdom and love, it has allowed me release and relax through this blog. I bid you a pleasant adventure today and everyday.

    • Joan Taylor

      First of all, thank you for your words of wisdom, they leap off the page by faith. Second, your writing is beautiful, it flows. I believe that you said it so well, your climb was hilly, rocky, splintered, with holes and nails. I believe that with out the rugged climb, there is no mountain top. Now patience, surely, has not been my most virtuous place. However, I learned to lean, all the way in to God’s trustworthiness, because His faithfulness and glory will prevail . You, my friend, are a keeper!


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