Sep 25, 2022

She Speaks Her Truth

On Fridays a group of amazing word artisans (Five Minute Friday) from all over the world come together to write for five minutes prompted by one word, unscripted and unedited.

Five Minute Fridays: REPRESENT

I am survivor of domestic violence and because God saved my life I survived. He took one of the worst experiences I lived through and transformed it into a winning victory and blessing for me and a continuum of blessings for the women I am called to reach, touch, and influence. For many, many years I have represented women who also survived domestic violence and sexual assault. I know what it means to endure and persevere through unsurmountable fear, unimaginable pain, and near death brutality. God didn’t cause the violence that I experienced, but He definitely utilized it. This tragedy became one of my testimonies because I chose to pick up my cross and follow Christ. This choice has led to my deliverance, salvation, healing, and transformation to live the abundant life that Jesus promised.

God turns our pain into purpose and our trauma and tragedies into triumphant testimonies.

God has called, chosen, gifted, and anointed me to represent surviving warriors and support the wounded.

You are called, chosen, gifted, and anointed to reach people too.

Our purpose solves a problem in the world.

Our words matter and make a difference. Our actions matter greatly.

We are all called to represent people in the world. We all have a tribe to influence, to advance God’s kingdom, all for His glory.

Who do you represent?

P.S. If you enjoyed this blog post check out Carry Also, if you would like to read additional posts scroll down past my books.

Abundant Blessings and Love,



  1. riverkath

    Joan, this really jumped out at me: ‘We are all called to represent people in the world. We all have a tribe to influence, to advance God’s kingdom, all for His glory.’ I’m a survivor too, and on a pretty intense healing journey, and my heart’s desire is to help people heal with my story and my victories. Kath, your FMF neighbour at #5 this week.

    • Joan Taylor

      The healing journey was intense for me too. Your heart’s desire will be fulfilled by God. Your testimonies and victories will bless others greatly. I am so glad you stopped by and shared your heart here.

  2. Sandra K Stein

    I did want to read the other post, but when I clicked on the link it did not take me there. It took me to a page that was trying to get me to create a WordPress site, and I did not have the option to say no.

    • Joan Taylor

      Hello, Sandra. There are very strange things happening on my website. It will be overhauled very soon. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Lee Ann L.

    Your testimony and words to others are strong. Thank you for sharing your pain.

    • Joan Taylor

      Thanks for stopping by, Lee Ann.

  4. lavieinprogress

    Such a powerful testimony! I have also endured trauma that hindered me for many, many years until I decided to use that pain to help others find healing. Thanks so much for sharing part of your life story.

    • Joan Taylor

      It’s beautiful when pain produces purpose in our lives. God doesn’t waste a thing and there’s hope and comfort in knowing this truth. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.

  5. aschmeisser

    There’s no-one I can represent,
    and I now know why:
    life has never found me bent,
    though daily it may try.
    And that cannot be called a strength,
    for all it really means
    is that my heart, taken at length,
    is less than what it seems.
    Cancer might have been the key
    to love and kind compassion,
    but all it’s really meant to me
    is a call to action,
    where grace is something to ignore
    in favour of another war.

    • Joan Taylor

      Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your heart.

  6. Jessica Faith

    “God turns our pain into purpose.” – I LOVE that! Thank you for sharing such encouraging words!

    • Joan Taylor

      Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world, Jessica!


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