Mar 19, 2022

Every Friday I join an amazing group of word artisans from around the world. We gather together and write for five minutes flat, prompted by one Word. fiveminutefriday.com

Today’s Word: EASY

Earlier this year I fasted with a group of friends. During the fast we gave up sustenance, one meal, and we were focused on things in our lives that we have been praying over for years. Things that could only be changed by the hand of God. Surely, I was focused on a breakthrough from God, because persevering through each of these long awaited God-given promises have been the antithesis of easy. I desperately needed a change and I needed to change too. For me the fast was about more than what I was giving up. I was fasting from what I was giving in to, an unhealthy mindset that was leading me in the wrong direction, a cycle of hopelessness, depression and despair. If you have waited a very long time to receive God’s answers to your prayers or His promises to be manifested in your life, it is so easy to fall into the traps of the enemy and the inner-me, those traps that we set for ourselves when God’s timing doesn’t line up with our timeframe.

Change isn’t easy.

My life hasn’t been easy. What about yours?

I believe it’s impossible to choose to answer God’s call and anticipate our journeys to be like skipping down yellow brick roads, easy. The word of God teaches us that “many are called, but few are chosen” Matthew 22:14. I believe we are all called and we are all chosen by God to fulfill His purpose on earth. However, few of us are willing to pick up our own crosses and follow Christ, discipleship.

How could the life of a disciple be easy when the Cross Christ bore was not?

In Luke 9:23 Jesus tells the crowd “If any of you want to be my follower, you must give up your own way of living, take up your cross daily, and follow me”.

There is nothing about caring our crosses here on earth that is, or will be easy. However, we carry the weight of an even greater glory, a meaningful life, living out our God-given purpose, and eternity in heaven with Jesus.

I believe it’s impossible to live a purpose-driven life on easy street and be utilized by God to help a hurting world filled with hurting people. We must traverse through trials and then come out with a testimony. It’s the Word of God and power of our testimonies that transform lives, for the glory of the Lord.

Trials are not easy.

We are all born into sin, and as Believers we are being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.

Transformation isn’t easy.

p.s. If this message has encouraged you share it with a friend. If this message has blessed your soul would you consider sowing a seed. I am currently life coaching women who are in need of my help, but are unable to afford the cost of the services. Every penny counts. Read more about our fundraiser here: https://joantaylor.org/2022/03/16/joan-taylor-ministries-update/

Blessings and Love,



  1. Wendy

    Good words Joan, By allowing the cross of life to change us we do give up an easy life for an abundant meaningful life!

    • Joan Taylor

      So true Wendy. What we gain is incalculable. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world.

  2. aschmeisser

    They told me I should really fast,
    the results, they would be neat!
    But sadly I could never cast
    speed unto my feet.
    I can go for miles and miles,
    stopping not for breath,
    but a carnivore sprinter smiles
    and has me scared to death.
    “That is not what fasting means!”
    with a spoken-not “Nitwit!”
    “Fasting’s discipline that cleans
    the body from the s***
    that holds us to a sodden earth
    to halt Empyrean rebirth!”

    • Joan Taylor

      Thank you for stopping by and sharing your beautiful words of wisdom.

  3. soones0429

    My dear Joan – lots to ponder- as I read I thought about my academic journey to be where I am now and onward. Truly to be at this particular intersection of life, it took time crossing over hills and valleys. It was not fast at all because of some turns I took, which God allowed, mindsets that was not of God and God building my confidence in Him- that took time. But here I am and there is no turning back.

    Thank you – when I graduated with my Doctoral Degree in 2023 the journey to then will be 20 years, 2 Masters, one honorary Master and a PHD
    Thanks you God for not counting me out in spite of myself and I am so grateful!


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