Feb 27, 2022

Of Heart and Mind

On Fridays I get together with an amazing group of word artisans from around the globe. We write for five minutes flat, prompted by one Word.

This week’s word is PEACE

The dictionary defines Peace as a non warring condition. A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations.

Cleary what we have witnessed in Ukraine ithis week is far from peaceful. What we’re witnessing is evil. Full stop.

My heart is so very heavy for the Ukrainian people.

As I have prayed for Peace, not war, I am leaning all the way in to the Word of God. It’s interesting how Jesus described the Peace that He has given us as a gift of heart and mind. His gift is internal, not external. “And the Peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid”. John 14:27

So many things that we will experience in our lifetimes are far beyond our control. We cannot control what people will do or what they will say. But what we can control, we must.

God has given free will, and the wisdom to make right choices. Right choices lead to right actions. And right actions lead to right living. Perception and Response is within our control.

However, the ultimate outcome of everything rests in the hands of God.

Every choice that we will make either leads us to reward and blessing, or formidable consequences.

God did not start the war with Ukraine, but He can end it. Because the battle is His to win. And although this war doesn’t make sense, neither do many of the battles we face personally, but we can choose to rest in the assurance of God’s capable loving arms and His faithfulness, beyond everything that we don’t understand.

We can choose to accept (His permissive will) what God has allowed, because we know that His goodness will prevail.

We can choose to plant God’s Word so deeply in our minds and in our hearts that it will always be our go to elixir. So that in the midst of mayhem, internal unshakable Peace will prevail.

I’ve been thinking about all the times that I have taken Jesus’ Peace for granted, as well as all of times that I have given people the permission to steal this gift from me.

May we all choose this prescription, God’s Word and promise of Peace, in every area of our lives.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all he has done. And then we will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus”.

Philippians 4: 6-7

p.s. if this message has blessed you share it with a friend. If this message has empowered you consider sowing a seed into this ministry. I am currently life coaching women that are in need of help, but do not have the financial means to pay.

Love and God’s most glorious blessings



  1. M Veazie

    Peaceful living is the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When our heart / spirit is feeling restless and hopeless, pray to Jesus that the gift of the Holy Spirit will replace the negative feelings with the peaceful living Words of God.
    Joan – thanks for all you do to share the gifts of the Holy Spirit with so many people.

    • Joan Taylor

      So true, sister. “Peaceful living is the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives”.
      Mary – thank you for sharing your thoughtful words of wisdom. All for God’s glory!

  2. Lee Ann L.

    Your words echos mine and that of many others. You went deeper than mine. God is indeed in control.
    ~Your FMF neighbor.

    • Joan Taylor

      We’re standing on the word of God in solidarity. Thank you for stopping by, Lee Ann. Blessings

  3. SimplyCoffeeandJesus;ByPaula

    Thank you for sharing this blessed message. I truly appreciate your words today. Blessings.

    • Joan Taylor

      All for God’s glory. Thank you for stopping by, Paula. Blessings


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