The Road Ahead…

Oct 4, 2022

On Friday’s I join a group amazing wordsmiths around the globe. We write for five minutes flat, prompted by one word, unscripted and unedited.

Five Minute Fridays: Road

Although the road ahead is unknown to us in many ways and often feels very uncertain at times, it is known to God. Many times it is said that God will make a way where there is no way, and this is true because many times we can’t see the way forward. The way forward requires faith and trust.

The only way forward is through.

The truth is God not reactive, He is proactive. He has already made a way.

Before we see a problem God has already sent the solution.

The roads ahead are not unknown to God, because they’ve already been written by Him.

The roads ahead have already been paved and penned in God’s book of life.

I’m in transitional place and have been for awhile, much longer than expected, much longer than I desired. I had no idea that I would be where I have been for as long as I have been, but God knew.

How do we know that we are traveling on the right road?

There’s a knowing in our spirit, an alignment, a certainty that comes with traveling the roads of life with God. I know that where I am is God’s will, even though it is not my way. Many times the road we must travel are winding even when the destination is certain, and every stop along the way was designed by God.

He takes on a roundabout way, just like He did with the Israelites.

The road ahead for me leads me back to the west coast of Florida, near the swath of the earth where hurricane Ian made landfall. Looking at the devastation, I guess one might question many things, yet I did not. Someone asked me if I am still moving to Florida. My answer was and is, nothing has changed. God’s plan is always certain, however He chooses to get me to where He is leading me is up to Him. I’ve done my part. I am still doing my part, obedience with hopeful expectation.

So, if you’re wondering how will God get you to where He is leading you, know this…

The roads ahead may be unknown and appear to be uncertain, but God’s plan is certain, because it has already been written.


  1. aschmeisser

    I know that God’s sent my solution
    wrapped within His gracious answer,
    but it seems bit of intrusion
    that it’s pancreatic cancer.
    I thought maybe He’d just rub mud
    and spit into my blinded eyes,
    but NOOO!, He went and brought the blood,
    and I have found, to my surprise,
    that I’m grateful for affliction;
    it’s made a better man of me,
    and it is no contradiction
    to say I’m where I’d rather be,
    the precipice of the last fall
    from which I’ll rise to win it all.

    • Joan Taylor

      Love this! Your poetry is beautiful. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your heart.


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