Clearly, we’re in a season of Restoration, Elevation, Acceleration, and Increase…
On a global level we have witnessed horrific atrocities, over and over again. Things that had been hidden, in plain sight, are now being unearthed and unveiled.
God reveals what has been hidden as He restores what has been taken.
And in the midst of it all, He heals, supernaturally.
Restoration does not occur in pristine circumstances, it’s birthed through pain, difficulty, and chaos.
If we were to look at all of tragedies that are transpiring around the world, without the lens of faith and love, we would only see horror and hopelessness. To the natural eye it appears as though everything is out of control, and that the hand of God has been withdrawn. But we, whom have faith, see differently.
Even though we don’t understand it all…
We’re not called to understand, we’re required to accept through the power of unconditional love. Acceptance overrides understanding. We’re required to believe, to have faith, and trust in the One whom created heaven and earth.
In God, the Father, who promised to never fall asleep on Israel, has not slumbered on us.
When we look through the lens of faithful trust, we see His redemptive love everywhere.
God’s plan is far beyond human comprehension. We have many promises to cling to, from Genesis to Revelation. These truths are my comfort…
I will remain confident in this, because His goodness will prevail, and His greater glory will be revealed.
No matter how chaotic things appear in your life, we know this truth “All things work together for our good”. Romans 8:28
How does the truth of Romans 8:28 resonate in your soul, and relate to you personally?
How do you see and experience what’s transpiring externally, around the globe, internally within you, in your corner of the world?
Outside of prayer do you feel moved to do something that would make an indelible difference in the lives of people, if so, what are you moved to do?