Courage After Abuse

I had the amazing opportunity and heartfelt honor of joining the Kate Berkey and Kristy, ladies behind the podcast, After the Pause. These courageous women just released their first book, A Place Called Braverly In this podcast episode I share a very personal and painful season that became one of the most […]

Support She Speaks Her Truth- Life Coaching For Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We need your support. Join our campaign. I am a survivor of domestic violence and because God saved my life I survived. My testimony resonates deeply with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and with women in general. For many, many years I have represented the voiceless and those searching for freedom from violence.

Comparison is the thief of Joy

Envying the grass on the other side will never make our grass greener… Comparison is the thief of joy.πŸ‚πŸπŸ‚When we find ourselves gazing at other people’s lives, believing that they are more, have more, and accomplishing more is a major indication that our self-worth needs more work.πŸ‚πŸπŸ‚Envy requires energy, and it will always lead us […]